There are practical ways to make a difference for the planet at home.

There are practical ways to make a difference for the planet at home.

  • Jenny Washam is the communications and outreach coordinator for Wisconsin’s Green Fire., a non-profit that Promoting Science-Based Management of the state’s natural resources.
  • She offers practical tips for being a good steward of the planet at home.

Earth Day started right here in Wisconsin in 1970 by U.S. Sen. Gaylord Nelson, becoming a celebration for the world of conservation and environmental science. And amid today’s climate crisis and heightened concern over the future, it is a reminder this is the only planet we have, and it is our responsibility to care for it.

Meeting today’s unique environmental challenges requires all of us to make earth-smart decisions, from the cars we drive, to our choices of energy to heat and power our homes, to the plants we choose to grow in our yards or on our porches. It is also important to remain engaged with our local community and the decisions that affect our health and the health of our planet. How do you do this? Read on for some practical tips on being an environmental steward on Earth Day and everyday:

Create a wildlife or pollinator friendly habitat

If you are a gardener, you are probably familiar with the notion of “Wildlife Friendly” or “Pollinator Friendly” habitats.  Sometimes they’re indicated on signs in yards peeking out during the spring and summer among blooming native wildflowers, tall grasses, and yard gardens.

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