The new batch of Brindle emails

The new batch of Brindle emails

Good Monday morning!

Public records activist CJ Griffin on Friday released several more emails of ELEC Executive Director Jeff Brindle expressing frustration with LGTBQ issues. New Jersey Monitor’s Terrence McDonald said they show a “fixation with queer folks.” I think that is a fair characterization. There’s another email in which Brindle expressed support for a student who had a problem with the Black Lives Matter movement.

You can read the emails here. One big difference between these emails and the one with a similar tone that landed Brindle in trouble with the Murphy administration — lamenting not being able to celebrate a couple presidents’ birthdays while recognizing National Coming Out Day — is that nobody filed a complaint against him for sending any of these. That we know of, anyway.

Garden State Equality, which had been silent on the initial Brindle controversy, is now calling on him to resign.

There are real questions about how this would affect an LGBTQ person working under Brindle, especially if they’ve received these communications. But we don’t know how many people got them . Brindle’s lawyer Bruce Afran said they all were to the same person: ELEC Executive Director Joe Donohue. He’s a recipient of some of the emails, but in others the recipient’s name is redacted.

I want to address one ugly thing that I think underpins much of the pushback to trans rights: The idea that there’s suddenly more trans people, and that they’re recruiting or, more sinisterly, “grooming.” History makes it clear that trans people have always existed. Maybe you’re noticing them more today, but maybe that’s because they’re less afraid of being ostracized, beaten or worse because of who they are, (not that it doesn’t happen anymore).

That said, this raises an important question: Where’s the line between political opinion and discrimination, and how do you draw it fairly? For instance, when Brindle wrote “we truly are living through insane times,” it was in response to a conservative website’s article about a trans inmate at a women’s prison who impregnated other inmates. Isn’t that a legitimate topic for debate? And if Brindle’s email to the staffer who filed the complaint did violate state’s discrimination policy, there are channels through which he could face discipline. Should we look back at the Murphy administration’s actions against its staffer who publicly denigrated evangelical Christians? (It was 10 days unpaid suspension and sensitivity training.)

The new emails should make ELEC’s Tuesday hearing on Brindle more eventful. But this doesn’t change the fact that the Murphy administration’s initial attempt to oust Brindle through a last-minute legislative amendment was a power grab that happened just as the Legislature sought to rein in the agency with a short and retroactive statute of limitations.

TIPS? FEEDBACK? HATE MAIL? Email me at [email protected].

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “No one who voted for, or signs, this bill can ever again legitimately claim to give a damn about fair, clean and honest elections.” — State Sen. Declan O’Scanlon (R-Monmouth) on the Elections Transparency Act

HAPPY BIRTHDAY — Reed Gusciora, Cathleen Lewis, Kara Walker, Dylan Hawkins

WHERE’S MURPHY? Media: “Ask Governor Murphy” on News 12 at 4 p.m.

GIBLIN’S CAREER GIBBETED — Assemblymember Tom Giblin (D-Essex), an 18-year incumbent whole influential career in New Jersey politics goes back 50 years, called me Saturday morning to say he would not seek reelection. “After careful consideration and consultation with my family that includes 5 children and 11 grandchildren, I’ve made a decision not to pursue another term,” he told me, also citing increased responsibilities in his role as business manager for Local 68 Operating Engineers. Of course, the real reason is plainly obvious and included in the article below: Giblin’s longtime chief of staff, Lolita Cruz, plans to sue over workplace harassment, alleging he “yelled at, cursed at and humiliated” her. Essex County Democrats as of today, the filing deadline for candidate petitions, have according to several reports backed Alixon Collazos, a public affairs specialist at BGill Group and former Steve Rothman staffer, as his replacement. Collazos is married to Essex County commissioner Brendan Gill, Gov. Phil Murphy’s adviser and former campaign manager.

Democrats consider dropping support for Giblin following workplace harassment allegation from his chief of staff, by POLITICO’s Matt Friedman: The impending decision on Giblin (D-Essex), who just weeks ago had won party support for reelection, comes as his chief of staff plans to file a workplace harassment suit against him, according to the three officials. POLITICO also viewed the harassment claim the party leaders are in possession of, though it has not yet been filed. Giblin in a phone interview said he did not harass his chief of staff, Lolita Cruz, and that he would push forward with his reelection. He said he was previously unaware of any allegation against him. “A couple months ago [Cruz] got her masters in public administration, and half the paperwork is about me — how much of a mentor I was,” Giblin said. … Giblin forwarded POLITICO Cruz’s professional portfolio, including a passage in which she wrote: “I also appreciate the support from my boss and mentor, the highly respected state legislator and union leader, Assemblyman Thomas P. Giblin.” The portfolio also quotes Giblin calling Cruz a “highly intelligent, industrious, enthusiastic, and eager to serve the public.” Cruz has been Giblin’s chief of staff for about 14 years.

TODAY’S BETH SAWYER, MEAN MEAN PRIDE — “Sawyer likely to challenge Durr in GOP Senate primary,” by New Jersey Globe’s David Wildstein: “Assemblywoman Beth Sawyer (R-Woolwich) is expected to seek the Republican nomination for State Senate in the 3rd District against incumbent Ed Durr (R-Logan) in the June primary election, three sources familiar with her plans have told the New Jersey Globe. That gives Durr, a trucker driver who unexpectedly ousted Senate President Steve Sweeney two years ago, a potentially strong primary challenger as he seeks a second term in the Senate. Sawyer, a conservative, is part of a group of South Jersey Republicans that have grown disenchanted with Durr over a series of controversial statements and what one former backer described as “a bad fit for the Senate.””

—“Huge battle coming in Gloucester County as GOP splits over South Jersey Senate seats

NOTHING SAYS GRASSROOTS SUPPORT LIKE BUSING PEOPLE IN FOR FREE FOOD AND BEER — “With DEP meeting postponed, group pushing for Liberty State Park makeover takes fight to local brewery,” by The Jersey Journal’s Mark Koosau: “Instead of an open house session by the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to discuss the plans for revitalizing the state park on the Hudson River waterfront, a party at a local brewery was hosted by a group supporting major changes at the Jersey City park. The food was free, T-shirts were handed out and a DJ played music at the People’s Park Foundation event that was organized after the state postponed a public meeting scheduled for Thursday night. Hudson County Commissioner Jerry Walker, a board member of the People’s Park Foundation, boasted that the group supports efforts to get ‘more amenities and different things in Liberty State Park,’ while also shooting down the notion that the group is attempting to privatize or commercialize the park … Across the street, a small group protested the event becuse of its ties to billionaire Paul Fireman, who has lobbied to privatize and commercialize the park. Fireman, the former Reebok CEO, is the owner of the ultra-exclusive Liberty National Golf Club next to the park, has made attempts to acquire the Caven Point Peninsula area of the park to add three waterfront holes to his golf course.”

— “Liberty State Park task force supported DEP-aligned vision for park, documents show

BIPARTISAN SENATE BILL WOULD IMPOSE MANDATORY MINIMUM SENTENCE FOR COUNTERING CONVENIENT POLITICAL NARRATIVE WITH CRIME STATISTICS — “Shootings continue to decrease in New Jersey — but still trouble experts. Here’s why,” by The Paterson Press’ Joe Malinconico: “After a significant one-year reduction in gun violence, New Jersey’s shooting statistics in 2022 dipped closer to pre-pandemic levels, according to data the State Police made public this month … Shooting incidents in New Jersey decreased by 19% from 1,057 in 2021 to 857 in 2022, the number of gunshot victims dropped by 25% from 1,413 to 1,059, and gun deaths fell by 17% from 249 to 207, the State Police statistics showed. … But those reductions still left New Jersey with higher numbers of shootings, victims, and deaths in 2022 than it had in 2019, according to the data. … New Jersey Attorney General Matthew Platkin said the state’s gun violence statistics for 2022 refuted what he called “political narratives” declaring that crime is on the rise. … The Attorney General said comparing last year’s shootings statistics with data from 2019 would skew the picture because he said 2019 was a ‘historically low year.’ Platkin’s staff provided a chart that showed the number of shootings in New Jersey in 2019 was lower than any other year since 2008.”

—“Republicans are going to war against bail reform. Chris Christie is coming to its defense,” by NJ Advance Media’s S.P. Sullivan and Matt Arco: “‘Truth seems to be negotiable based on what cable channel you put on and which person you’re listening to. I’m sure there are changes that can be made to make it better, small ones,’ [Christie] said. ‘But the results speak for themselves.’”

—“N.J. may soon require documents and services translated into 15 languages. Here’s what they could be

—“Construction leaders attack feasibility of green NJ Transit power source

ANDRE THE WANNABE POLITICAL GIANT — “Who’s behind the political group that held a $5K-a-ticket bash for Andre Sayegh?” by The Paterson Press’ Joe Malinconico: “A mystery political organization that calls itself Citizens4NJProgress, Inc. celebrated Mayor Andre Sayegh’s birthday on Monday by hosting an event with $5,000 ‘gold sponsor’ tickets at Kanoon Restaurant in Clifton. The event fueled speculation among Passaic County political insiders about Sayegh’s aspirations to represent his hometown in Congress. Citizens4NJProgress, Inc. is not registered as a political committee with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission nor with the Federal Election Commission, according to officials at those agencies. … People attending Sayegh’s birthday party on Monday afternoon were told to contact Scorpion Consulting, a Hoboken-based political fundraising organization. Scorpion’s president, Leila Sadeghi, issued a four-sentence statement on Tuesday morning in response to questions from Paterson Press. ‘Citizens4NJProgress, Inc is a 527 political organization,’ Sadeghi said”

—“As Paterson seethes after police killing, clueless Mayor Sayegh plays politics,” by The Star-Ledger’s Tom Moran: “Paterson Mayor Andre Sayegh has chosen sides after the fatal police shooting of Najee Seabrooks, saying he ‘vehemently’ opposes a federal investigation of the corrupt and brutal department he oversees. This is how it works, nearly every time. When police departments go rogue, politicians rush to defend the status quo, and protect their own standing. Even this, a matter of life and death, goes into the political calculator.”

—“Sherrill named most effective House member In N.J. By nonpartisan group

OH MY LORD, BYRON! — “The Wildwood mayor has pleaded guilty to federal tax fraud charges,” by The Philadelphia Inquirer’s Oona Goodin-Smith: “Wildwood Mayor Peter J. Byron admitted in federal court to failing to tell the IRS about a second income from a sales job and assisting in committing tax fraud, prosecutors announced Friday. Before U.S. District Court Judge Karen M. Williams in Camden, Byron, 67, pleaded guilty to two counts of aiding and assisting in the preparation and presentation of false and fraudulent tax returns to the IRS during 2017 and 2018 — a time when Byron also served as city commissioner in charge of Wildwood’s revenue and finance departments. In the summer of 2017, according to court documents, Byron sent multiple emails soliciting a managing partner of a Gloucester County law firm for a second job at various companies. In September of that year, court records say, that partner, who was not named in court documents, established a new business with the New Jersey Department of Treasury, and listed it as offering ‘consulting services’ A month later, Byron allegedly received an employment offer letter for a sales position from the new consulting business — penned with the forged signature of that person’s law partner.”

0.8 SQUARE MILE TOWN WITH A YEAR-ROUND POPULATION OF 1,800 HAS ITS OWN POLICE DEPARTMENT — “Cops in Jersey Shore town had faulty equipment, incomplete background checks, report finds,” by NJ Advance Media’s Anthony G. Attrino: “A 10-month evaluation of the Lavallette Police Department found multiple deficiencies including officers using personal cell phones due to faulty radio equipment, incomplete background checks for new hires and co-mingling of money seized as evidence, the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office said Friday. The report by the prosecutor’s office also found a continuing “meddlesome pattern of behavior by the governing body, current business administrator and current township attorney” into the daily operations of the department. The Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office took over command of the department on May 19, 2022, after former police Chief Colin Grant retired and the standards fell below those ‘necessary for a professional law enforcement agency,’ according to Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer.”

THE GALL-OWAY — “Galloway to pay more than $1 million over attempts to block alternative school opening,” by The Press of Atlantic City’s Christopher Doyle: “Officials have agreed to pay the owner of land slated to be used by an alternative school more than $1 million to settle a lawsuit alleging they illegally tried to block the school’s opening. … That consent order, issued by U.S. District Judge Robert Kugler, ratified the settlement between Kevin J. Dixon and the township and several current and former township officials, including the former mayor and former police chief. The settlement relates to Galloway’s revocation of construction permits for a charter school at a property owned by Dixon and a subsequent lawsuit from Dixon alleging the township had racially discriminated against the school’s planned students. ‘Defendants’ conduct is not only morally repugnant; it is illegal,’ Dixon’s attorneys alleged in an amended complaint filed Feb. 11, 2022. ‘Defendants’ public statements and conduct, amplified by their status as Galloway Township officials, fanned the flames of residents’ racial animus.””

PROTECT YA BOAT CHECK — “Former Jersey City fire chief’s ‘boat check’ tops $400K,” by The Jersey Journal’s Joshua Rosario: “Former Jersey City Fire Chief Steven McGill will can literally set sail into retirement with the hefty six-figure “boat check” he’ll receive for unused time accumulated over years of employment. McGill, who has been the city’s fire chief since 2018, retired in February after more than 30 years with the Jersey City Fire Department. McGill will receive a total payout, commonly known as ‘boat checks,’ of unused sick, vacation and compensation time in the amount of $420,964.17, according to documents received through an Open Public Records Act request.”

—“Former [Ho-Ho-Kus] fire chief fights back against town over his dismissal

—“Fire destroys [Paterson] pickle factory, officials say

—“Following protest, Jersey City administration pulls council resolution to hire company to evaluate city’s 911 service

—“Hudson County Progressives taking another shot at unseating HCDO candidates and tilting the power


—“We need extreme measures to prevent fentanyl deaths | Opinion

—“Students and families grill Monmouth U officials on armed subject, gunshot reports

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